Tuesday, October 09, 2007


Right-Wingers: Have They No Shame, No Sense of Decency Dept.

Just when I thought the Right-Wing Propaganda Machine couldn't possibly sink any lower, it goes ahead and greatly exceeds my expectations.

The Michelle Malkin Division of The Propaganda Machine has now targeted a 12 year old for a smear campaign.

Lemme repeat that: The Michelle Malkin Division of The Propaganda Machine has now targeted a 12 year old for a smear campaign.

The boy's sin? Why, he gave the Democratic rebuttal to the Bush regime's veto of the State Children's Health Insurance bill, explaining how this program had covered him and his sister when they were seriously injured in an auto accident.

And how do they smear him? The usual right-wing bag of dirty tricks: dishonest misrepresentations and gross distortion of facts. For example, they shriek loudly that the kid is attending an expensive private school -- and neglect to mention that a) he has a scholarship, and b) his parents only pay $500 a year in tuition, which incidentally is slightly less than my monthly health insurance premium for one individual.

There's more info about the Right-Wing Smear Machine's despicable dishonesty in this case at the above links. There simply is no depth to which the right wing will not sink, no gutter through which they will not slither.

You know, if there is justice in the afterlife, there's gotta be a special place reserved deep in the bowels of Hell for the likes of Michelle Malkin.

UPDATE: America's No. 1 Lying Liar himself, Rush Limbaugh, has now joined the smear campaign.

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